
October 29, 2024

East Bay stylistas extra: Most Stylish Teacher

Andie Patterson, a drama teacher and theater costume designer at Head-Royce School in Oakland, is someone who can always be counted on to light up a room with her cheerful personality and colorful attire. A style as creative and uniquely chic as Patterson’s cannot be bought off the rack....
music in the park, psychedelic furs
October 29, 2024

Vintage, tried and true

Best places to shop summer trends in the East Bay
July 24, 2024

Best places to shop summer trends in the East Bay

Spring cleaning may get all the credit but there’s nothing like a summer wardrobe refresh. Sahra Brandt, the Oakland-based personal stylist behind Shop the City, recently dropped her summer trend report, making it the perfect time to...
Shibumi Gallery
August 24, 2023

Shibumi Gallery

Shibumi Gallery founder April Higashi began designing contemporary jewelry through an experiential background steeped in textiles, fashion and fine art. Working in the fashion industry for Nini Bambini and Esprit de Corps taught her the ropes of...
Fits for the Holidays
November 25, 2022

Fits for the Holidays

Whether it’s Christmas, Hanukkah or a non-denominational gathering of friends and loved ones, the winter season is a fantastic opportunity to dress up, down and generally all around. By this I mean, don’t dress to impress someone else, but let’s dress the heck up for ourselves this holiday season! Let’s give the gift of feeling great in our clothes—to ourselves first and each other by proxy. I’ll cheers a glass of dairy-free eggnog to that.
November 5, 2021

Standard & Strange

A tale of timeless fashion My introduction to Standard & Strange began several years ago while living in Santa Fe. I worked for Iconik Coffee Roasters at the time—a must-visit to anyone passing through le Fe—and we had...
November 5, 2021

The Taylor Jay Way

Style meets comfort Taylor Jay, in Oakland, is the clothing line that many of us didn’t know we needed pre-pandemic, and post-pandemic we can’t get enough of. And by that I don’t mean sweats and a baggy sweatshirt—although...
November 5, 2021

The Artisanal Eye

Designer Erica Tanov’s aesthetic curation Those whose fashion passion slants towards an attraction—OK, let’s say an addiction—to serene and sublimely high-end women’s wear and meticulously curated home goods made by artisans worldwide, should be cautious when exposing themselves...
November 5, 2021

Hoot Couture

Rachel Konte’s OwlNWood In the midst of the 2007 recession, Danish-born designer Rachel Konte stepped away from a 15-plus-year career in corporate fashion and her then-current high-level position as design director at Levi Strauss & Co. in San...